Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Happy Year of the Black Water Dragon!

Come celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Dragon with us.
Confucius say "It is good fortune to dance with cat"

Casino Calamari
(Our new DC location)
Monday January 23, 2012
1:00 pm- 3:00 am

Open bar includes Ginseng Nip-tini's, Mai Tais, Corona and Jose Cuervo Red.

Cat nip fortune cookies! Plenty of good take out Chinese Food!

The Lion Dance will be performed by The Kung Poose Dancing Troupe, mostly made up of Pooses for Peace members.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Please wear red for good fortune.
Bring your own chop sticks.


Anonymous said...

Hey All
Glad to see you are up and running in D.C. Happy Year of the Dragon and oh while we are at it wave bye bye to the Ravens!!!!
Love, Che

Miss Lucy Fur said...

On our way but Smudge can't find my tiara. She's such an air head. By the way where can we find fish tacos with hoisin sauce?

Kiss kiss.

Miss Lucy Fur

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh it looks like fun!