Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Nubi's BFF

She's here... and she is MY dog. Her name is Quan Yin and we are totally BFFs. She lets me nap near her. I use her dog bed. I love her crate- even though she has never been in it.... and she has black fur like me.
Luna is still hissing obscenities at her and Zevo just ignores her. So Quan Yin is mine.. all mine. I am so happy the pet humans finally got me a dog to play with.

I am a very happy poose!
Nubi wan Kenobi


meemsnyc said...

What an adorable BFF! You two match!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

you do match! How cool! How is Zevo taking it?

The Meezers or Billy said...

you two are so cute together!!