Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


The Tao of Poos

This is Tao, not your typical Baltimore poos. Unlike her roomie Sarge, she is not into Natty Bohs and steamed crabs. She prefers oolong tea, a simple macrobiotic diet with fish and seaweed and of course an occasional bottle of Sake. She is also a long time practitioner of Poos Chi and studies the I Ching daily.

Today , Thursday, July 6 she is celebrating the Dali Lama's birthday by fasting for world peace and the end of the Iraq war along with Richard Gere and Sean Penn. She is one of the founding members of Pigs for Peace, which some of you who knew my sister, The Baby Pig was famous for.

And like all Buddhist Pooses, Tao has chosen to ignore the immature tormenting from her muggle roomate Sarge.

Om Mani Padme Poos

zevo calamari

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zevo daaahling,
Sarge groveled, so I guess he can come off your list. Richard (Gere)said he'd be delighted to come by next time he's in the Northeast. He really is a dear. Sarge and I might need to come up soon. We won't even bother with replacement while we're gone, as I doubt our people will notice. They are running around in a very un-Tao way, threatening to move...something about sump pumps and clogged drains and $3000 they don't have. Then Daddy was really upset last night because the macchina broke down; he said he wanted to go live as a hermit. Whatever that means. Maybe that's what he's going to do in Virginia. I just hope we don't have to go. I much prefer Perry Hall, pedestrian as it is. And really, we hate traveling by macchina (even Sarge) and much prefer the train or really the Concorde...why did they have to take that out of service? I hate domestic airlines...terrible service you know.

Ok, got to run. Ta ta for now...