Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


A World Cup Fashion Dilema

These are the shoes i am wearing to the World Cup party i am hosting tomorrow night at the Casino Calamari. If Italy wins i will wear Versace....if France wins Christian Dior. I am hoping Italy wins since the Versace dress looks so hot on me.
Now if only Boo would give back those earrings......................
ciao ciao

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The earrings are yours IF you send me back my blue Versace dress. You said you were going to have it cleaned after that little incident in the brothel. Well, I haven't seen it since, and I was planning to wear it with my Manolo Blahnik shoes.

And speaking of jewelry....well, there IS that little matter of a diamond bracelet.........You know the one I mean....the one we got in Canada?
