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Wiki Leaks Reveal Toi's Real Name... Miz Mao

Is Toi, the so called French poose who now resides at Miss Boo's home while she is away a Chinese spy? Wiki-leaks has revealed that her real name is Miz Mao aka Smudgey Mao.

No comment has been made from the domestic terrorist group known as the Pooses for Peace as of this latest leak.

Unconfirmed sources report that the cats are busy preparing for (another) blizzard blow out party at their famed Casino Calamari this week. Salem authorities are on alert. The snow emergency ban is on- The celebrity cats have parked their solar powered limos in the Salem Ferry Lot along with their lear jet and Jimmy Buffett's bus. Chinese food has been seen being delivered to the Casino.............


zevo hussein calamari said...

I adore the portrait of Chairman Mao that our dear friend has given us to hang in our office!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love Chinese food...