Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Zevo Calamari on The Daily Show

Zevo Calamari, spokes-poose for Pooses For Peace will be Jon Stewart's guest tonight on the Daily Show. Miss Calamari, along with Miss Lucy Fur and Miss Boo, is one of the suspects in the Karl Rove Bite and Run incident last week. So far no charges have been formally filed as, there is no substantial proof.

Join Jon tonight for a very entertaining show!


Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh oh OH! I gotta keep the TeeVee on so I's can see that! What channel? I nefur knowed a TV star afore!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, Zevo! You are a star! I am excited and will have to tune in.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Anonymous said...

After the show tonight I need to get out of town fast. Karl's goons are on my tail.

I was laying low last week in San Diego. My pet human's five month old grand daughter came to visit and I was just an afterthought while she was here. It was sooooo annoying! Good cover, though, riding around in a stroller with a baby hat on my head.

Miss Lucy Fur

Anonymous said...

I really don't think you have anything to worry about. They still haven't found Osama...

Mr. Hendrix said...

I saw that episode. The John Stewart is awesome & I think you came off well.
I agree with Cheysuli. Of course, I'm not suggesting that you were in any way involved....

Thanks for the tip on my tummy. I am on special Prescription Hill food (moist and crunchy) and the only treats I get are Purena ENs and Science Diet TD's (with the VET's OK). We think stress caused the flair up.

Daisy said...

I will contribute to your defense fund. I have saved 12 pennies so far. Is this enough?