Planet Calamari Zazzle shop



Shhhhhhh...... I am hiding from my pet human. She is upset that i chewed on her new wicker chair. I am not sure what the big deal tastes good and i thought she bought it for me.

I am gong to hide until my substitute poose shows up. He won't mind getting yelled at... after all i am paying him in tuna treats for the weekend.

I have been invited to the Casino Calamari by Zevo. Her parties are much better than the ones we have in my neighborhood. She serves imported beer, champagne and there will even be dancing! I do hope Miss Boo, Miss Lucy Fur and Nubi will be there.

Later Dude,

Visit The Planet Calamari Shop


Anonymous said...

you can hide, but i KNOW you can't run -
your human

Anonymous said...

you can hide, but i KNOW you can't run....
your human

Anonymous said...

I hope you are successful in your hiding and that your human realizes that your chewing was an innocent mistake...

Mr. Hendrix said...

I don't understand. I thought all wicker belonged to chewing kitties. That is what I do with baskets. A chair is a basket but a squillion times better!
You should hide until she calms down tho...