Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Goya Painting Suspected to be in Salem, MA

Salem, MA
The FBI said they have a few leads on the stolen Goya painting. The main suspect is said to live in Salem, MA and may have it hanging in her office. Rumors are that it is the famed cat burglar Zevo Calamari and her pack of wild friends. No names have been released. A press conference will be held tomorrow at noon in front of the Bewitched statue.

Poose-cam live from Salem brought to you by Planet Calamari


Anonymous said...

Hey Zeeves,

Just to let you know...I can't fence your Goya right now. things are pretty hot in this town after my Rumsfeld caper and the suits are following me everywhere I go.

Take it to Italy and let george help out.

Kiss kiss,


zevo hussein calamari said...

what painting?
