By Princess Guacamole
Ole' Times of Southern California
Yes, to all of those who called in, the rumors you heard were correct. Although it was a very difficult decision, the NCCAOM did not choose Sandra Bullock to represent the organization. Rather, it chose Boo from Hillcrest, CA and Zevo Calamari from Salem, MA as the new Stars of NCCAOM. Many have called the national offices, suggeting that these noble souls be allowed to carry the Catnip Torch to the world. Our steering committee realizes that Zevo and Boo are the obvious choice to represent the NCCAOM to the public. Boo and Zevo are known by the papparazzi worldwide, and we have confidence that they will bring acupuncture and oriental medicine the respect it deserves. They are also eager to meet with Harvard Med this Halloween, and take Harvard Square by storm. They plan on dressing up as two very famous pirates, we have heard, and are going to be giving a talk at the alternative medical conference; their paper is entitled, "Rum as a Carrier for Chinese Herbs in Republican Qi/Shen/Jing/Blood/Brain Cell Vacuity Syndrome". Boo and Zevo ask that diplomates email them for a synopsis and free Catnip-Rum cookies.
planet calamari