Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


salma hayek joins pooses for peace

Unconfirmed sources report that while staying at the Rancho La Puerta, Selma Hyeck was seen doing shots of organic tequila and herbal margaritas with celebrity founders of Pooses for Peace, Mizz Boo and Zevo Calamari. Convinced that it was a wonderful way to spread peace thru out the planet, Miss Hyeck agreed to be the human spokes-person for this nonprofit club. She also donated a large amount of money.

Miss Hyeck refuses to make any comment on the hangover she had at breakfast or where her earrings have disappeared to.

No sources have yet confirmed on the where abouts of Lucy the poose, who started flinging rasberry smoothies at all the guests after their yoga class. It is rumored that she is once again off her medication.

Poose-cam live from Mexico brought to you bycalamari del planeta

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