Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Happy New Years Eve

Hillcrest, CA

The rainbow section of San Diego known as Hillcrest has been flooded with hordes of well dressed cats and celebrities today, coming in from all over the country. Tonight the celebrity cats known as the Pooses for Peace will be holding their New Years Eve gala at Mo's, (formerly known as Hamburger Mary's).

Miss Lucy Fur and Miss Boo who still live in Hillcrest coordinated the last minute party details. Extra tequila has been brought up from Mexico for the party. Unconfirmed sources report that George Clooney may be escorting Miss Boo to the party. Donatella Versace flew in this morning with couture for the cats to wear this evening.

Miss Lucy Fur, BFF with Oprah has brought in Racheal Ray to cook for the evening. Many are concerned that Miss Lucy Fur is once again off her medication. The last time the cats had a party at MO's the San Diego swat team was called in for a cat fight started by Lucy Fur. Dr Phil filed a restraining order against Miss Fur two years ago.

Members of the Bite & Run, Poot and Run and Poop and Run brigades have been invited. There are too many to name. (We apologize for not providing links to all the cats attending or invited since we are typing on an iBook that has been feuding with

Paparazzi are hoping ex presidential canditate Cheysuli will be attending the party this year. Her former bodyguard, Nubi wan Kenobi arrived with roomie Zevo Calamari this morning and prima ballerina Luna diPoosalita aka Twinkle Toes. Monkay the thumbed cat along with Che Nikki the rebel schnauzer is also rumoured to be attending.

Another rumour floating through the poose world is that Zevo's pet human may be getting a newer ibook and will actually be able to visit more cat blogs in the new year.

Wishing all pooses and their loved ones a Happy Healthy Prosperous and Pooserific New Year!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year All,
I have just returned from the unbelievable scrutiny of Dulles Airport and will try to catch a connecting flight to Mo's.
Love and Kisses.
Che Nikki the renegade schnauzer
p.s. I must beon a no fly list due to my Pooses for Peace connection. I was wanded twice leaving Dulles and my human was patted down!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I'm on the TRAIN!!!! YEAH!!! And how fun is that?