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Pooses for Peace Join Telethon For Haiti


The celebrity cats known as the Pooses for Peace are among the latest stars to take part in George Clooney's “Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief,” a two-hour telethon on Friday night to be broadcast around the world on television and online. The show, which in the United States will begin at 8 p.m.

Clooney begged the infamous cats and their entourage to leave Salem MA and join him in LA so they can be on stage beside him. However, the cats will be performing live at their Casino Calamari along with Jimmy Buffett and Capt Jack Sparrow instead.

Rumors are still flying that Clooney's fiance Miss Boo is more than just miffed that he was seen snogging with a stick insect underwear model. Miss Boo has not been wearing the so called engagement ring either. No word if the couple have split or if this is just a lover's tiff. Unconfirmed sources believe this is the real reason the cats will not be in LA.

TMZ claims it is because the cats have several restraining orders against them. In the past they were known to bite any celebrity seen wearing fur such as Beyonce, P.Diddy, Lindsay Lohan, JLo and the Olsen twins. Bono has lost several pairs of glasses whenever he performed with the cats. A few pair were illegally sold on eBay.


zevo hussein calamari said...

Um like ... Bono gave me those glasses...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Huh... no one asked me. I need a better publicist!

Boo said...

He will drop that stick figure - trust me. I've been using extra fur softener - it drives him nuts!

Meanwhile, we have a lot of work to do for the pooses of Haiti.

Now, where are those glasses....?

The Meezers or Billy said...

was it illegal to BUY the glasses on e-bay ::hides blue sunglasses::