Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


P Diddy Banned from Hamburger Mary's

Save the Raccoon Dog!

The "faux" fur on Sean "Diddy" Comb's coats sold in the United States wasn't faux at all -- it was from Asia's "raccoon dog". May the fleas of the raccoon dog plague Mr Diddy.

Zevo Calamari, spokes-poose for the Save the Raccoon Dog
Foundation has banned P.Diddy and his entourage from ever visiting the new Hamburger Mary's which is set to open in one week. Miss Calamari recommends that Mr Diddy should change his name (again) to Dead Doggie Didddy. She also recommended that he carry his own umbrella.

Also banned from the premises are Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Britany Spears, Christina Ricci, Kate Moss and all other fur wearing stick insects (as well as all fur wearing regular folk!)

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