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Join us today on Dr Phil with special guests Miss Lucy Fur and her new roomie Judd the German Shepherd puppy.

Dr Phil has offered to help Miss Lucy Fur get past this most trying time without medication or another stint in rehab. Lucy Fur had a breakdown last night at Hillcrest's famous Mo's. While swilling margaritas and dancing on table tops with BFF Miss Boo, Lucy started a cat fight with a few of the locals. Screaming "JUDD JUDD JUDD you ruined my life!" She began throwing nachos and taking off her panties. Police were called in and Miss Lucy Fur was taken to the nearest hospital. Her pet humans called Dr Phil for help.

Miss Lucy Fur will talk about how her pet humans betrayed her by allowing Judd to move in without her permission. How the annoying screams of the neighbors "Ohhhhhhhh he is sooooooooooo cute!" disturbs her napping.

Is Lucy heartbroken that Bubba refused to move to San Diego with her? Or is she still in love with the Queen's corgie?

And finally Dr Phil will explore the possibility that Lucy Fur was poisoned in the latest Bite & Run attack on Mitt Romney, thus the real cause of this erratic behavior.

Stay tuned for more............


Anonymous said...

don't listen to dr. phil - bubba still loves miss lucy - he just loves florida too....long distant relationships can work. I keep telling him they can FLYYYY !!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is poisoning from Mitt Romney. I warned you about biting him...

zevo hussein calamari said...

I am feeling a bit flu-like today too..kind of toxic. I think i should do some Milk Thistle to cleanse my liver from romney posioning.

oh and another shot of tequila please.. i cannot get this taste out of my mouth.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but she had enough margaritas to put down 6 German Shepherds!!! It was amusing, until it got ugly. She started hatching a plan to poison the new puppy. That's when I called for the ambulance.

Let's all have a moment of silent prayer for her speedy recovery........

Anonymous said...

hard to see ... the drunk side is

Anonymous said...

The Pooses for Peace have to be careful about who they bite -- you kitties are all very brave!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

Quasi says that what you're tasting is "Man Tan." Good work, Pooses.