Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Thank You!

The Mod Squad of the Pooses for Peace!

In honor of Zevomas our friends at Zoolatry made this stunning montage of Zevo, Boo and Miss Lucy Fur.

We would like to thank Maggy and Zoey and their Pet Human Ann for such a wonderful gift. It is an honor to be immortalized by such a great artist..... and such wonderful words about our blog! "Your blog is on our Top Ten list for sure; fantastic writing, it always brings a hearty laugh -- and one that is so "right on" politically...we really, really enjoy it. You'll be our Best In Show this coming Sunday, by the way."

And we would like to also thank all the pooses who have joined us in New York making this Zevomas season an extra special one.

Later today we are hoping to speak to the UN General Assembly concerning the unrest on the planet. We are asking that they stop the war in Iraq, stop the madness in Tibet, Help those poor people in Dafur. We demand the removal of the Chimp-decider and his cronies immediately and ask that they be replaced with a more intelligent leader such as Cheysuli.

All Bite & Run, Poop & Run, Whap, Poot and Scratch and Run Brigades are on RED alert during this session!

Viva la Revolucion,
(Viva La Boheme!)
The Pooses for Peace


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Can you believe Ed Schultz actually compared me to the Chimp?! I've never been so insulted in all my life!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a much busier schedule than we do!