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Obi Wan's Cloak Sells For $104K At Auction

The brown cloak Alec Guinness wore as Obi Wan Kenobi in a "Star Wars" galaxy far, far away sold for $104,200 at a London auction. Unconfirmed rumors are that a Nubi Wan Kenobi purchased the cloak after earning a large amount of money on a covert mission that transpired recently. No details of this mission have been released.


zevo hussein calamari said...

Love this cloak i do. A Jedi only bites when necessary. Deserve it she did.

Biting for no reason leads to the dark side.

May the Force be with you,

Nubi Wan Kenobi

Anonymous said...

Nubi - you realize that you just auctioned off all your future birdie toys for a cloak?

Cool cloak, of course.

Deserve it you do.

Ciao Nubis

Anonymous said...

Worth it was.
Strong is the Force in my family.

May the Force be with you dear Pricess Boo Skywalker!

nubi wan kenobi

Anonymous said...

My pet humans ran off to Reno to meet their first grandchild who was born today and left me in charge of the homestead.

PARTAY!!!!! Everyone is invited.
byo tiara (or cloak)

Lucy Fur