Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Burnt out Boo

I am taking a few days off. All party and no rest can really wear a girl out. I think a few days of simple foods, yoga and some stretching is needed. These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I think i have some kind of toxins in my system after Karl Rove's ankle accidently found my mouth. yuckkkkkkkkkkkooewwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeoooooooo
I wonder if my pet human brought any ayurvedic herbs home from India for de-toxing......

Lucy Fur is busy preparing for her new spot on The View. I hope that doesn't interfere with our social life. Zevo is back in Salem. She is planning the Cinco de Mayo fiesta we are having at Hamburger Marys next weekend. I do hope she invited Jimmy Buffett. Drinking margaritas is way more fun when he is around.

My brown rice with free-range tuna is being served. Could someone please light a cone of incense for me?


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Just Ducky said...

Everyone needs a few days to chill. Take some time off and hit the spa.

Tara said...

Make sure that brown rice didn't come from China.


Anonymous said...

Boo I do hope you get rested up. I hope that your party at Hamburger Marys isn't too long--after all my wedding is Cinqo De Mayo and it will be THE happening place.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Rest, yes, must rest! My Daddy is brewing a batch of Stout. I'll sneak some out and teleport it to you. You can just chill with a beer over the next few days. As for Jimmy Buffet, he's a must. But then so is sexy (Mommy's words, not mine) Ricky Martin.