Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Boo's Vespa

Please support Zevo and help her pay back Boo the money she borrowed.... so that Boo can pay for her Vespa insurance.

Shop until you drop at The Planet Calamari Store
Call your friends and have them shop. Have them call two friends and have them shop....
Save the Vespas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you! You KNOW that we need that insurance when we go to Tuscany for my birthday! I have the villa rented. Don't forget to send out the invitations to the usual crowd....all except for you-know-who, who thinks she's the cat's meow just because she appeared on that cross in Rome at her concert. (She didn't give us our usual VIP passes, so I don't think we need to invite her - do you?)

Ciao, bella!