Planet Calamari Zazzle shop


Gwyenth Paltrow RSVPs

Dearest Boo and Zevo,

I so look forward to this party. What a joyous occasion it shall be.

Alas, I shall have Apple and Moses stay with the nanny for the evening. If there is anything I can bring please let me know. I do not want you to fret about carry on luggage.

Chris and his band are so happy that they can perform for this bash.
See you oh so soon,




zevo hussein calamari said...

Hi Gwyen,

Now that you mention it... could we borrow your hair and make-up crew for the evening? We would hate to chance bringing shampoo on the plane.

Thanks ever so much.. you are one of our favorites. Sorry I bit you at Madonna's wedding.. too much champagne. And that is water under the bridge...right?


Anonymous said...

Zevo...That was you that bit me? I honestly do not remember it was you. I am sure it was Madonna. We were fighting over the macrobiotic cake. I think you were so drunk you thought you bit me. I am so sorry you have gone all this time feeling bad about something you did not do. Poor dear. Let me make it up to you by giving you the pink dress I wore to the Oscars the year I won.
Will that do?


zevo hussein calamari said...

No No No i would not feel right
(or look right) in your darling pink dress... please donate it to the Smithsonian. Can i have the goth one everyone hated instead? I live in Salem and it would be perfect for October.



Anonymous said...

I did NOT bite you was Jennifer Aniston that bit you. ... still jealous over the whole Brad & you thing.... wasn't that a long time ago? Get a life. I tried to get her into the Kabbala vibe...
Tho, I am sure now she wished she bit Brad instead that night.

See you and Chris at the bash... and don;t forget my birthday tea is this week too!

